Peer-reviewed scientific reports
26. Quigley, M., Wilson, A., (GeoHACI) (2019) Preliminary field investigations of faults intersecting the East African Crude Oil Pipeline and proposed paleoseismic trench locations: Report to GeoGROUP and Total Energy, 99p.
25. Quigley, M., Duffy, B. (GeoHACI) (2018), Tectonic setting and neotectonic faulting within the Snowy 2.0 Project area: Report to SMEC, 64 p.
24. Quigley, M., Wilson, A., Kuang, K., (GeoHACI) (2018), Review and analysis of stitched DEM including land and reservoir bathymetry at Mt Bold: Report to GHD and SA Water, 9p.
23. GHD Pty Ltd and GeoHACI – DrQuigs GHC (2017), Phase 3 – Geotechnical Investigations Mt Bold Dam (Project DA-6652), Report to SA Water, 538 p, 7 Appendices.
22. Quigley, M., Wilson, A., Kuang, K., (GeoHACI) (2017), Fault trenching Mount Bold: Report to GHD and SA Water, 44p.
21. Quigley, M., Wilson, A., Kuang, K., (GeoHACI) (2017), Hand augering at Mount Bold: Report to GHD and SA Water, 5p.
20. Quigley, M., Jones, A. (GeoHACI) (2017), Historical seismicity data acquisition and analysis at Mount Bold: Report to GHD and SA Water, 18p.
19. Quigley, M., Wilson, A., Kuang, K., (GeoHACI), Macklin, S. (GHD) (2017), Geological Mapping at Mount Bold: Report to GHD and SA Water, 23p.
18. Quigley, M., Wilson, A., Kuang, K., (GeoHACI) (2017), Geomorphic Mapping and Analysis at Mount Bold: Report to GHD and SA Water, 11p.
17. Kitto, K., Quigley, M., and 14 others, (2017), Group 4 Report: Uncertainty, Risk, and Partial Knowledge, In: Recommendations from the 2016 Theo Murphy High Flyers Think Tank: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Living in a Risky World, Australia Academy of Science, p. 5-7 [PDF]
16. Quigley, M., (2015), Geologic, Geotechnical, And Seismologic Context And Displacements Of Land And Buildings At Selected Sites Of Christchurch City Council Owned Reinforced Concrete Structures Damaged During The 2010-2011 Canterbury Earthquakes: Introduction And Statement Of Key Findings, University of Canterbury Consultancy Report CN4600001360-1, submission to Christchurch City Council, p.1-6. [PDF]
15. Quigley, M., (2015), Geologic Setting of Christchurch and Seismic Aspects of the 2010-2011 Canterbury Earthquake Sequence, University of Canterbury Consultancy Report CN4600001360-2, submission to Christchurch City Council, p.7-15. [PDF]
14. Quigley, M., Bradley, B., (2015), Time Series of Earthquake-Induced Ground Motions at a Geographic Mean Site for CCC Assets From 1939 To 2014, University of Canterbury Consultancy Report CN4600001360-3, submission to Christchurch City Council, p.16-22. [PDF]
13. Quigley, M., (2015), Christchurch Art Gallery and Christchurch City Library Study, University of Canterbury Consultancy Report CN4600001360-4, submission to Christchurch City Council, p.23-39. [PDF]
12. Quigley, M., (2015), Manchester Street Carpark Study, University of Canterbury Consultancy Report CN4600001360-5, submission to Christchurch City Council, p. 40-52. [PDF]
11. Quigley, M., (2015), Lichfield St Carpark, Old Bus Exchange, and Old Civic Building Study, University of Canterbury Consultancy Report CN4600001360-6, submission to Christchurch City Council, p.53-69. [PDF]
10. Quigley, M., (2015), Lancaster Park Study, University of Canterbury Consultancy Report CN4600001360-7, submission to Christchurch City Council, p.70-85. [PDF]
9. Quigley, M., (2015), Christchurch South Library Study, University of Canterbury Consultancy Report CN4600001360-8, submission to Christchurch City Council, p.86-97. [PDF]
8. Hornblow, S.; Nicol, A.; Quigley, M.; Van Dissen, R.J (2014) Paleoseismology of the 2010 Mw 7.1 Darfield (Canterbury) earthquake source, Greendale Fault, New Zealand, GNS Science report 2014/26, 27 p. [PDF]
7. Villamor, P.; Giona-Bucci, M.; Almond, P.; Tuttle, M.; Langridge, R.; Clark, K.; Ries, W.; Vandergoes, M.; Barker, P.; Martin, F.; Bastin, S.; Watson, M.; Howarth, J.; Quigley, M. (2014). Exploring methods to assess paleoliquefaction in the Canterbury area, GNS Science Consultancy Report 2014/183. 142 p. [PDF]
6. Litchfield, N. J.; Van Dissen, R. J.; Hornblow, S.; Quigley, M.; Archibald, G. (2014). Detailed analysis of Greendale Fault ground surface rupture displacements and geometries, GNS Science Report 2013/18. 166 p. [PDF]
5. Stern, T., Berryman, K., Furlong, K., Quigley, M., Townend, J., Webb, T., Gerstenberger, M., Malahoff, A. (2011) New Zealand Government White Paper: The Canterbury Earthquakes: Scientific answers to critical questions, Office of the Prime Minister’s Science Advisory Committee, 19 p.
4. Cubrinovski, M., Green, R., Allen, J., Ashford, S., Bowman, E., Bradley, B.A., Cox, B., Hutchinson, T., Kavazanjian, E., Orense, R., Pender, M., Quigley, M.C. and Wotherspoon, L. (2010) Geotechnical reconnaissance of the 2010 Darfield (New Zealand) earthquake. University of Canterbury. 173pp. [PDF]
3. Quigley, M., Sandiford, M., Clark, D., (2008), Neotectonics and landscape evolution of southeastern Australia: establishing a geologic context for contemporary seismicity, In: Potential geologic sources of seismic hazard in the Sydney Basin, Geoscience Australia Record, 1-7 [pdf]
2. Sandiford, M., Quigley, M., (2007) Mount Lofty Fault Report, URS.
1. Quigley, M., Karlstrom, K., Beard, S., Bohannon, B., (2002), Influence of Proterozoic and Laramide Structures on the Miocene Extensional Strain Field, North Virgin Mountains, Nevada/Arizona, In: Lund, W. (ed.), Field Guide to Geologic Excursions in Southwestern Utah and Adjacent Areas of Arizona and Nevada, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02–172, 85-104.
Scholarly book chapters
3. Quigley, M., Duffy, B. (2016) Earthquakes. In: Natural Hazards: An Australasian Perspective edited by J. Goff & C. de Freitas, Cambridge University Press, London, U.K., p. 10-56.
2. Kaiser, A., Quigley, M. (2015) When Disaster Strikes. In: A Continent on the Move: New Zealand Geoscience Revealed (2nd Edition) edited by I. Graham, Geological Society of New Zealand and GSNZ miscellaneous publication, 2330-4487, 141, 408 p.
1. 12 authors including Quigley, M., (2015) This land of ours, In: A Continent on the Move: New Zealand Geoscience Revealed (2nd Edition) edited by I. Graham, Geological Society of New Zealand and GSNZ miscellaneous publication, 2330-4487, 141, 408 p.
Popular science publications and blogs
26. Duffy, B., and Quigley, M. (2019) ‘Like tearing a piece of cheese’: here’s why Darwin was rocked so hard by a distant quake, The Conversation, 25/6/2019 [link].
25. Quigley, M.C., Bennetts, L.G., Durance, P., Galton-Fenzi, B., Geenens, G., Hamilton, K., Ickowicz, A.A., Killedar, M., Kitto, K., Kuhnert, P.M., Lindsay, M., Pembleton, K.G., Roberts, M.E., Verdejo-Garcia, A., White, C.J. (2017) Listen up: a plan to help scientists get their research heard by decision-makers, The Conversation, 1/02/2017 [link].
24. Quigley, M.C., Bennetts, L.G., Durance, P., Galton-Fenzi, B., Geenens, G., Hamilton, K., Ickowicz, A.A., Killedar, M., Kitto, K., Kuhnert, P.M., Lindsay, M., Pembleton, K.G., Roberts, M.E., Verdejo-Garcia, A., White, C.J. (2017) Post-truth, ivory towers, or diverse priorities? Scientists must share their experiences to increase understanding of how research evidence and uncertainty influences decision-making [PDF]
23. Duffy, B., Caprani, C., Quigley, M., (2016) Still standing: how an ancient clock tower survived Italy’s deadly earthquake, The Conversation 1/9.
22. Quigley, M. (2016) Go to your bloody lectures (aka, “I don’t want to lecture you but…”), The Parkville Station, 2016 E19.
21. Quigley, M. (2016) Why the Italian quake matters for New Zealand, The New Zealand Herald, 24/8. [link] (also featured in The Guardian, New Scientist, SciBlogs, The Christchurch Press, Romper, NewsTalk ZB)
20. Duffy, B., Quigley, M., Sandiford., M. (2016) Italy’s deadly earthquake is the latest in a history of destruction, The Conversation 24/8 (also featured in NBC news, ABC news,
19. Quigley, M. (2016) Did humans cause the Lusi mudflow disaster? Indonesia at Melbourne Blog, 21/6. [link]
18. Quigley, M. (2016) Can earthquakes on one side of the globe trigger ones on the other? The Christchurch Press, 20/4.
17. Quigley, M., Sandiford, M. (2016) Are the Japanese and Ecuador earthquakes related? The Conversation 20/4. (also featured in Newsweek Japan and Australasian Science)
16. Quigley., M. (2016) The earthquakes keep coming for Christchurch, The Conversation 16/2; (also published in Australasian Science Magazine 17/2)
15. Quigley, M., and Hughes, M., (2014) Where to next for our sinking city? The Christchurch Press, July 15 [link]
14. Quigley, M., (2013) Earthquake clustering, complex fault ruptures, and the geologic record, Speaking of Geoscience: Geological Society of America’s Guest Blog, 28/5/13 [link]
13. Quigley, M., (2012) L’Aquila charges leave scientists on shaky ground, The Conversation, 25/10/12 [link]
12. Quigley, M., (2012) Science standing on shaky ground, The New Zealand Herald, 26/10/12
11. Quigley, M., (2012) Lessons from L’Aquila, The Christchurch Press, 25/10/12
10. Quigley, M., (2012) Opinion: Scientist sees quieter times , The Christchurch Press, 22/2/2012
9. Quigley, M., (2011) Earthquake forecasts and earthquake predictions, New Zealand Skeptic, v. 101, 2 p.
8. Quigley, M., (2011) Communicating earthquake science, New Zealand Science Teacher, v. 129, p. 20-22.
7. Quigley, M., (2011) A geologist’s account of the 22 February 2011 Christchurch Earthquake, Geoscience Society of New Zealand Newsletter, Issue 3, 21-24.
6. Quigley, M., (2011) Seismic fear mongering or time to jump ship?, Reflections On Science, NZ Science Media Centre, Posted June 1, 2011
5. Quigley, M., (2011) ‘I predicted the earthquake’ – scientists respond, Science Alert: Experts Respond, NZ Science Media Centre, Posted March 1st, 2011.
4. Quigley, M., (2011) Scientists back Campbell in Moon Man quake prediction row, The National Business Review, Tuesday March 01, 2011
3. Quigley, M., (2010) Why the aftershocks and when will they stop?, The New Zealand Herald, Wednesday Sep 8, 2010
2. Dosseto, A., and Quigley, M., (2008), Australian and New Zealand Geomorphology Group – Meeting Report, Quaternary Australasia 25(1), 17-19
1. Quigley, M., (2005), Did the Earth Move for You?, Australasian Science, Hawksburn: 26, 10, 23-27.
Poster Presentations
1. Quigley, M., Saunders, W., Massey, C.., Gerstenberger, M., van Dissen, R., Villamor, P., Bastin, S., Jack, H. (2018), Earth Science and Decision-Making: Case studies from the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence, Canterbury Earthquakes Symposium, 29-30 November 2018, Christchurch, New Zealand
Books Edited
1. Townend, J., Villamor, P., and Quigley, M. (2012), The 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence, New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, Vol. 55, Iss. 3.
Ph.D. thesis
Quigley, M., 2006, Continental tectonics and landscape evolution in south-central Australia and southern Tibet, PhD thesis, School of Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne, Australia, 283 p.
M.Sc. Thesis
Quigley, M., 2002, Tectonic development of Proterozoic structures and their influence on Laramide and Miocene deformation, North Virgin Mountains, SE Nevada and NW Arizona, U.S.A, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of New Mexico, USA, 194 p. [PDF]
B.Sc. Thesis
Quigley, M., 1999, Tectonothermal evolution of a segment of the Big Lake Shear Zone, Western Churchill Province, Northwest Territories, Canada, 49 p.
Science Advances (1); Tectonics (3); Geology (1); Quaternary Science Reviews (1); Tectonophysics (13); Geological Society America Bulletin (3); Bulletin Seismological Society of America (3); Geomorphology (3); Gondwana Research (1); Progress in Physical Geography (2); New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics (2); New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering (2); Geosphere (1); Lithosphere (1); Journal of Geophysical Research (2); Seismological Research Letters (1)